Folkestone Junior Chess Club

Meets fortnightly at St John's Hall,
2 St Johns Church Rd,
CT19 5BQ

"Its not the winning, its the taking them apart that counts."
Latin motto: Um gonna pol bothiar armsan legsov.
The FJCC is home to the innovative Folkestone System: a quick and colourful way to learn the openings of chess.
1-1 Potential new members are invited to a 1-1 at 9:30-10am or 12.30-1pm.
This is to assess their ability and decide which group to put them in, and allows them to get acquainted with the club and the coach. There is no fee for this.
Beginners/Youngsters 10-11.
Children at this group must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Seniors - meet 11-12:30+
Afternoon session: approx 1:00-2:30 onwards. (This option will change in March)
Tournaments are held every 3 months for those children interested. Tournaments are currently January, April, July, October.
Tournament dates (provisional) Jan 18th, Apr 12th, Jul 19th, Oct 11th
Fees. For 2024-25 will be £120 and covers approx. 26 sessions. A pro rata sum is taken with a small premium for new kids joining during the year and kids joining at the new year who leave within the first 2 months are refunded the difference, so the full fee is not lost. Payment is only asked for when a child has decided to join and have taken the oath and in one payment for ease of admin.
Dates: DATES for 2025: JAN 11th, 25th FEB 8th, 22nd, MAR 8th, 22nd APR 5th, 19th, MAY 3rd, 17th, 31st, JUN 14th, 28th JUL 12th, 26th AUG 9th, 23rd SEPT 6th, 20th OCT 4th, 18th NOV 1st, 15th, 29th, DEC 13th, (27th - this meeting date might be changed as it is too near Xmas).
Going forward. As the club continues to grow the above is subject to change.
DATA PROTECTION. In running the club I require an email address and use it only to confirm attendance and on occasion other necessary messages. I ask for a telephone number to exchange messages on club day. This is to avoid parents having a wasted journey to the club, or to communicate problems etc... I ask for a child's date of birth as it helps with assessing their ability, and their school to monitor how the club is being promoted.
To enquire please email first via the CONTACT PAGE - do not leave it to the last minute, do not attend without emailing first, as it only causes disruption.
Please do not attend without confirmation from the club of the booking, to avoid errors and wasting time. Please check SPAM for replies to enquiries, as the address email may not be recognised the first time. Please arrive on time.
An email is sent out on the Thursday before the meeting and asks for confirmation as to who will and will not be attending.
The replies help with organising the sessions and the room.
DISCIPLINE Any child who behaves in a way contrary to the well being of the club and its members will simply be made to leave. This covers damaging or disruptive behaviour, not being interested in chess, and anything deemed contrary to the well being of the chess club.
FOOD/EATING POLICY. Do not bring food to the club unless given permission - this is due to the modern prevalence of allergies which could be harmful to other members attending.