Folkestone Junior Chess Club

Meets fortnightly at St John's Hall,
2 St Johns Church Rd,
CT19 5BQ

"Its not the winning, its the taking them apart that counts."
Latin motto: Um gonna pol bothiar armsan legsov.
The FJCC is home to the innovative Folkestone System: a quick and colourful way to learn the openings of chess.
Its the four years olds versus the five year olds in the annual grudge match which has been going on for years! Actually it is our outdoors chess board and set - why sit indoors on a sunny day!!!

All images are from our great time at the Sports Centre.

Chess is the only game which pits old versus young - here a five year old has challenged a ninety year old. The serious face, on the right, is because both players have staked their pocket money and the younger player has read his 'Mr Men' books including 'Mr Knight', 'Mr Bishop' and 'Mr Rook'. The photo was taken by mum - I leave you to decide whose!
In 1933 the World Chess Olympiad was held at the Leas Cliff Hall. The world champion then was Alexander Alekhine, the Russian emigre who played for France. The tournament was won by the United States and included the great player F Marshall. The British Empire entered a team - as did Scotland - portends of independence! The Czech Republic came second and blamed the sea air - something they were not used to. The innovation in technology was the use of the telephone no less when moves were relayed from the town hall to Leas Cliff Hall - oh if they could see us now. Over the board there was an innovation now known as the Folkestone move!

Right - Another cracking game Minnions versus the Hulk - and note wellies in case of flooding!
Left - This picture includes some of our Kent players from a few years ago.

Left: At Folkestone Juniors only the very latest scientifically proven learning techniques are used - but when they fail the more traditional methods are also employed.
Right - are there perhaps some gardens missing their gnomes. It is in fact the Xmas Party and a game of chess bingo - with amazing prizes to be won such as; looking out of a window of your choice, a day off school, imagining yourself doing something really rather naughty.... chess is close to madness and at
Folkestone Juniors we try to teach both at the same time.

The 2019 annual water pistol fight (Sat 24th August at 25 degrees - lovely!) to the left, the usual suspects - to the right - the usual outcome!